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How to perform Salat ut-Tasbih

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salatuttasbihRasulullah ﷺ once said to his uncle Hadrat 'Abbas رضی ٓاللہ عنہ : O Abbas! O my uncle! Shall I not give you a gift? Shall I not show you something by means of which Allah will forgive your sins, the first and the last of them, the past and recent, the unintentional and the intentional, the small and huge, the secret and open? Rasulullah ﷺ then taught him the Salah al-Tasbih. Furthermore he advised him that it be offered daily, if possible. If not then every Friday or once a month or once a  year or at least once in one's life time. - (Abu Dawood)

This prayer consists of 4 rak’ah and should be performed everyday. Makruh times should be avoided for this salah. The Tasbih which is to be read in this prayer at different positions is as follows:

Subhanallahi wal hamdulillahi walaa ilaaha ilalahu walahu akbar
(Glory is to Allah! And praise is to Allah! There is no deity save Allah and Allah is the Greatest)

The tasbih is recited 75 times in each rak’ah i.e. 300 times in the entire salah. There are two methods and one can opt for either of the two methods.

First Method

In “Heavenly Ornaments” this method is stated:
Make the intention, say “Allahu Akbar” and fold hands. Recited Surah Fatihah and another Surah.
Recite Tasbih 15 times.

Go into ruku and recite “Subhana Rabiyal Azeem” 3 times.
Recite tasbih 10 times.

Rise from bowing position and say “Rabana lakal hamd”.
Recite tasbih 10 times.

Do the sujood and in the first sujood recite “Subhana Rabiyal A’ala” 3 times
Recite tasbih 10 times.

Rise from sujood in the sitting position.
Recite tasbih 10 times.

Do the second sujood as usual and recite “Subhana Rabiyal A’ala” 3 times
Recite tasbih 10 times.

Before standing up, go into sitting position
Recite tasbih 10 times.

Stand up, recite Surah Fatihah and another Surah.
Recite Tasbih 15 times

Perform the rest of the salah while reciting the tasbih in the stated postures.

In the second rak’ah and fourth rak’ah the tasbih will be recited before the tashahhud.

Second Method

In “The Way The Noble Messenger Offered His Prayer”, this method is stated
Make intention of 4 rak’ah salah.

Say “Allahu Akbar”, fold the hands together, Recite Thana.
Recite the tasbih 15 times.

Recite ta’uwuz, tasmiyah, Surah Fatihah and any other surah with it.
Recite tasbih 10 times.

Go into ruku and recite “Subhana Rabiyal Azeem” 3 times.
Recite tasbih 10 times.

Rise from bowing position and say “Rabana lakal hamd”.
Recite tasbih 10 times.

Do the sujood and in the first sujood recite “Subhana Rabiyal A’ala” 3 times
Recite tasbih 10 times.

Rise from sujood in the sitting position.
Recite tasbih 10 times.

Do the second sujood as usual and recite “Subhana Rabiyal A’ala” 3 times
Recite tasbih 10 times.

Stand up and then recite the tasbih 15 times before Surah Fatihah.

For the second rak’ah repeat the tasbih in the postures stated above and same will be for the third and fourth rak’ah.


Do not count the tasbih on the digits of the fingers. Instead press the fingers to keep the count. If you recite it less in one position, then add the amount left in the next posture.

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